Twenty-five thousand kilograms of confetti and an explosion of sound and music through the streets of the capital of the Costa Dorada will entertain you, on Saturday the 30th of January, the Coso Blanco festivity. Coso Blanco is the high point of the celebration of the winter local festivity in Salou, which this year will count with the participation of 30 carriages and more than 2,500 people.
Coso Blanco is a burst of revelry that makes everybody come to Salou’s streets to actively participate in the festival, either dressing up in some of the thirty carriages registered for the parade or joining the rhythm which runs the streets, the very scene of the route. Moreover, about twenty canyons will be scattered along the route and will shoot twenty-five thousand kilograms of confetti.
The music will be another backbone of the party, with the DJ Ismael Cantos Juanma Hidalgo, who will brighten the party with a sundry of sounds that will mesmerize the audience, and will make them dance and actively participate in the parade that will flood, on that Saturday’s afternoon, the main city streets.
The winter festival of Salou will begin on Friday the 22th with the speech of the journalist and comedian Sergi Mas. At the same night, the festival will take place in FlaixBack discothèque; while on Saturday at 11pm, there will be a performance of The Beatles in the marquee.