Salou loves sport! Thus, from 9 to 12 May, we invite you to live the excitement of one of the most important competitions of international…

Salou loves sport! Thus, from 9 to 12 May, we invite you to live the excitement of one of the most important competitions of international…
If you visit Salou and would like to enjoy quietness while in touch with nature, you’ve got to discover one of the most magic spots…
* NEW SCHEDULE Once again, Salou’s Winter Festivity is almost ready for one of the most important celebrations of the year: Cós Blanc is here!…
Christmas days are always magic and Salou is ready so that you can live a traditional celebration in a destination that is perfect all year…
Els dies de Nadal sempre són màgics i a Salou ho tenim tot a punt perquè pugueu viure la tradició d’unes festes úniques des d’una…
Do you like gastronomy? Do you love food made using quality, local products? Would you like to live the essence of tradition in the capital…
Us agrada la gastronomia? Sou amants de la cuina amb productes de qualitat i proximitat? Voleu viure l’essència de la tradició al cor de la…
The end of the summer in Salou becomes a truly unique opportunity: are you in to live the peace and quietness of autumn in the…
La fi de l’estiu a Salou esdevé una oportunitat única: us apunteu a viure la pau i la tranquil·litat de la tardor a la capital…
A new edition of LaLiga Genuine Santander –a unique integrating project– is back in the heart of Costa Daurada from 16 to 18 November. Thus,…